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The Lesbian’s Guide to Making Love to a Woman

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First of all, congratulations for coming out. Contrary to what other narrow-minded, conservative people are saying, there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian or wanting to make love with a fellow woman.

in a relationship with another girlSecond, you are probably in a relationship with another girl and you are thinking of different ways on how to please your partner. Again, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, the Internet is bombarded with tons of sex tips, so why not provide something for lesbian couples, too, right?

Apparently, girl-to-girl action is sexy and believe it or not, a lot of bisexual women will say that women are much better in bed than men. Why? The answer is simple.

Women understand female pleasure and arousal better than men. Women don’t rush, and take everything as slow and sensual as possible.

loveAnd this explains why after all these years, Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi are still together, aside from the fact that they truly love each other.

So, if you are looking on the best ways to make love to your girl, then check out these tips. You can save the thank you for later.

Pay Attention To Her Entire Body.

Here’s the truth: men can be predictable in bed. He’ll kiss a woman until she is aroused, wait for her to take off her shirt, then suck on her breasts for less than a minute, and then go down there. Once she’s wet enough, he’ll take of his pants and go inside her and hump her for a minimum amount of time until he releases his juices, then that’s it.

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Women don’t want that. They get bored, especially if that is the case each and every night. And sex for women is not just about penetration until they reach orgasm.

It’s also about focusing on other parts of your partner’s body, not just on her boobs, butt and vagina. Fine, you may be “handicapped” down there, but think of it as an advantage.

erogenous zones in her bodyYou don’t have to race towards a final goal, plus you can also focus on other erogenous zones in her body.

Unlike men who are only after selected choices of meat, you will be able to show her that you are interested with her whole body, making her feel more sexy and aroused. By paying attention to her body, you’ll be surprised with how much she will respond down there – and you’ll surely love it.

2 Oral Sex Is The Stepping Stone Towards Having Great Sex.

handsSo what if you don’t have a rock hard penis that can go inside her. That’s fine. That shouldn’t make you less of a person, because you certainly have tools that will make her beg for more – your hands and lips.

Women love oral sex and getting dirty down there, figuratively speaking. In fact, there are a number of women who get intense orgasm during this period.

So, before heading south, make sure you got her aroused and excited already by caressing her entire body, and not just her boobs.

hands and lipsOral sex takes a lot of time – and licking and fingers and even using sex toys – so be prepared.

Again, and no pun intended here, but you have something missing down there, so better up your game by giving her the best oral experience she’ll ever have. Let your hands and lips explore her entire body to intensify her sexual sensations.

3 Don’t Say No To Lubrication.

LubricationSome women don’t have issues getting wet down there.

Apparently, a lot of women, especially those who have hormonal problems or those who are in the menopausal stage have difficulty producing enough lubrication, making sex more uncomfortable.

It can be difficult for women to talk about this issue with men, unless they’re in a relationship with the guy for a long time.

That’s the good thing about being a lesbian. You personally understand this matter and very much willing to address it without letting your partner feel embarrassed.

In case vaginal dryness is an issue, here’s where lubrication comes in. There are a lot of flavored lubrications sold in the market which you can use during oral sex.  Aside from the sweet, fruity flavor, it will be easier for you to work with your hands down there and not worry about not getting her wet enough for pleasure.

4 Vary Your Speed And Amount Of Pressure.

lesbiansAgain, oral sex is the key to great sex. Thankfully, lesbians are more capable of giving this, because they can understand a woman’s arousal better than anyone. When you get down south, here are two things you need to remember.

First, vary your speed. You don’t have to go fast or go slow all the time.

When you get down there, listen and watch her responses to find out what is the best speed that will surely turn her on.

If you realized she likes it fast, then go fast but still make sure you are giving her enough room to breathe and catch her breath.

If she likes to take it slow and steady, so be it. Then go faster in between to intensify her sexual sensations. Or you can ask her to tell you whether you should go fast or slow.

make her scream and shoutAside from the speed, learn to vary the amount of pressure applied on her body. Sure, there are erogenous zones or areas in her body that can make her scream and shout, but there are also certain portions that are off limits.

Watch her reactions every time you focus on one area of her body. If she likes it, then better. If she doesn’t, then don’t force the issue.

At the same time, asking her to tell you whether she wants a certain pressure on this and that can also help and make your work easier.

Another tipAnother tip – just take it easy. Even if she gets easily aroused on this area, doesn’t mean you should be too hard on it. The difference between you and men is that you understand her better when it comes to her sexual needs. Take advantage of that and you’ll surely give her the best oral sex she’ll ever get.

5 Don’t Stop With The Big O.

Here’s the thing with guys. After rushing through sex, pumping her hard and fast and finally letting that big O and juices come out, they immediately stop thinking about the girl. And a lot of guys will do other things – get out of the bed and do something else like get a sandwich or check out Facebook and Instagram or sleep – which women absolutely hate.

kissingUnlike men, women are more vulnerable emotionally after orgasm. This means they like hugging and kissing and petting and cuddling more than ever for the wonderful night.

Getting out of the bed after the big O is like making your partner feel like she’s been abandoned.

The good thing about being a lesbian is that you understand this feeling. Once she’s done, or even after you’ve finished, spend some time in the bed with your partner. Holding her after sex and telling her how amazing she is will make her feel even more loved. If you give her a different kind of “after sex” feeling, then she’ll likely to do it with you the next time opportunity comes and who knows, she might even return the favor.

In simple terms, when sex is over, it isn’t over.

6 Oral Sex Is More Than Just Foreplay.

ForeplayIn fact, oral sex is everything, a gauge on whether sex will be wonderful or not. Most guys treat oral sex as a preparation for the humping and grinding that’s about to come. That shouldn’t be the case. Heck, that shouldn’t be the mentality at all. So don’t be like the other jerks who are only after getting laid and don’t care about their lover’s feelings.

In other words, think of oral sex as an important sexual act and not just a method of foreplay. Repeat and recite it on your head over and over until you are able to embrace the concept.

make her happyOnce you’ve made this as your mantra, you will better understand her needs and constantly look for ways to make her happy in bed.

They say men have something which lesbians don’t have. So what if you are handicapped down there? This doesn’t mean you won’t be able to give her the pleasure she deserves, so don’t sit there feeling sorry for yourself. The truth is, there are so many things you can do, especially with your lips and hands. But if you are thinking of upping your game, then maybe you and your partner should try Provestra.

100 percent natural blend of herbs, nutrients and aphrodisiacsThis female libido enhancement pill is created to increase vaginal lubrication, intensify sexual sensations, speed up your total body arousal and bring back pleasurable orgasms into your sex life. It is also a doctor-endorsed pill that also helps restore health in your reproductive system. Best of all, Provestra is a 100 percent natural blend of herbs, nutrients and aphrodisiacs that will make you not just want sex, but also enjoy it.