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What Type of Guy Do I Attract? Take This Quick and Fun Quiz for You

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Every woman is different. From the choice of clothing, to the food you eat, and even how you sleep, every woman has its own set of preferences. This includes your type of guys.

With millions of men around the world, how will you know what type of guy do you belong with? The truth is there is no exact formula that will help you answer the million dollar question, “What type of guy do I attract?”

Nonetheless, check out this guide that will determine the kind of guy you are attracting:

1. Get to Know the Different Types of Guys You Can Attract

Guys You Can Attract Just like you and your girl friends, men are different too. The amount of testosterone in their body varies, which also means their personalities are different.

This leads you to the next question: what kind of guy will you meet?

The answer is a lot.

Here are some of the men you will meet in your lifetime:

  • The Player – He is confident, charming, and a bit arrogance simply because a lot of women are chasing him. No matter how much you want him to change, it won’t happen unless he decided to stop his “player” antics.
  • The Not-So-Successful Band Front Man – This guy is someone you thought could make it big in the music industry. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned.

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  • The True Party Guy – He is someone you will see in the coolest clubs every Friday and Saturday night, which is why he looks familiar. A party boy may be the life of the party, but when he can’t seem to give up his Friday night for you, then you might be in trouble.
  • The Older Man – This one is 10 years older than you, driving the nicest car and living in the grandest home in the neighborhood. Is he responsible? It depends.
  • get marriedThe Marrying Man – This guy is everything you can ask for and your whole family loves him. Still, this doesn’t mean you should jump in and get married right away. Make sure you share the same sentiments when it comes marriage and future before you have the talk.

So far, which one is your top pick?

2. Understand the Connection Between Relationship and Self Esteem

Yes, you read that right. How you see yourself affects the type of man you will attract. It can affect your relationship negatively and you might even attract the wrong ones in your life.

You may not notice it, but how people treat you depends on how you treat yourself. If you want to improve your level of self-esteem and eventually your relationship, you should be  able to accept who you are as a person, including your flaws, weaknesses, and limitations.

The more positive you are, the higher the chances of attracting the right guy and getting into a relationship for the right reasons.

3. Love and Marriage: How Do You Feel About It?

Love and MarriageHere is a surprising fact about marriage: it is slowly declining in the United States – and it’s not just because Americans are getting wiser these days.

There are various reasons why the so-called millennial are putting marriage aside. It could be less economic stability, fewer jobs available, or the drive and focus on their career. Regardless of whether marriage is a distant concept, you will still have to face it at one point in your life.

How is it related to getting a man attracted to you?

Feeling positive about love and marriage attracts a guy who is already willing to walk down the aisle. Otherwise, you might fall for players or professional party boys who are only after adding a name in their list of women they had sex with.

4. The Place Says It All: What Choice of Date Place Says About Your Type of Man

There are many places where you can have a date. You can always go for the good ol’ restaurants and have a quiet time getting to know each other, meet each other in the theater to watch a play, or watch a concert together. Regardless of where you go on a date, one thing is for sure: it attracts different men.

Here are the different date choices you can try and the kind of men you will attract:

  • Fancy RestaurantThe Fancy Restaurant – Don’t be fooled. A guy who pampers you might be after hookups or at least date number two; depending on how the night went, which still leads to a hookup.
  • Your Neighborhood Bar – There is a higher possibility that you will meet a laidback guy who is more after an equally laidback girl. He may be interested in a relationship, but necessarily his priority.
  • A Friend’s Party – If he invited you to go to a friend’s party, then he is attracted to you. Weddings bells are not guaranteed, but it won’t hurt if you get to know each other more.
  • The Coffee Shop – This guy can be serious about his intentions and not aiming for casual relationships. If there is a connection, he might pursue you.
  • At Outdoor or Exercise Facilities – A guy who asks you to play golf or try a new sport is someone who wants a woman whom he can share experiences with. This may not escalate quickly into a relationship, but it’s a good start.
  • A Spot Near His Place – Unless you live close to each other, this one is screaming casual sex.
  • The Perfect Location – It is somewhere not too fancy, ideal for conversations, and cozy. This means the relationship could lead to something serious and the guy in front of you is a husband material. Still, take it easy. He might be a player too who knows the game really well.

So, where do you want your first date?

5. First Things First: What Women Notice in Met during First Meet

First MeetYou are out on a Friday night with some friends to relax and unwind. You noticed that someone from the other table kept looking at your direction. When you finally met his eye, it turns out that he is good looking. After a few eye-locking moments, he finally mustered enough courage and went up to you to introduce himself.

What are the things you look for in a guy?

Some women take a look at his choice of clothes, while there are others who pay attention to the brands he is wearing. There are others who look into a man’s eyes or other physical attributes such as smile, posture, physique, and overall appearance.

How it progresses will now depend on you and your choice of men.

6. Clothes Matter: How Your Choice of Clothing is Related to the Kind of Man You Can Attract

Before heading out, do you often look in the mirror and ask yourself this question, “What kind of guy do I attract?”

Your personal choice of clothing is an expression of who you are as a person, but face it. Your choice of clothes is crucial in every relationship because it says a lot in the type of woman you can attract.

black dressYou can never go wrong with little black dress that accentuates your curves and surely, all types of men will come rushing, planning to introduce themselves. On the other hand, wearing anything your hand grabbed may not be the best choice, especially if your main goal is to be able to attract.

Choose your clothing wisely. You will never know who will ask for your number, so it’s better to be prepared. Don’t forget to show off those curves, but keep it classy and simple.

7. Your Choice of Hobby as Part of the Journey in the World of Dating

Do you love going outdoors or prefer to stay inside to read a good book? Are you into arts and crafts or passionate about teaching kids the value of music. Whatever it is you are good at, there will always be someone out there who will get attracted to you and with what you are doing.

For instance, if you are into sports, then you are most likely to say hello to an athlete. If music is your passion, it is not surprising that a man in his guitar with ridiculously good looks will walk up and say hello.

The bottom line is to know your hobby and capitalize on it. Find something you are passionate about and make sure to pursue it. You can also enroll in classes to improve on your craft and who knows, the man you are waiting for is already there in front of you.

8. Relax, Keep Calm, and Be Funny to Attract the Funny Man

Funny ManThey say laughter is the best medicine. That’s true. Laughter can be therapeutic, an effective stress reliever, and one of the simplest ways to break the ice. This is the reason why most funny guys come out victorious in the dating scene because of their ability to draw laughter from the crowd.

Does this mean you should have excellent comedic habits? Not necessarily. If you want to attract the funny guys, make sure that you are someone fun to be with. Men like women who are easy to be around with little drama and a great personality.

It’s not just funny guys you will attract. You can get any guy’s attention with your charm and wit so keep it going.

Hold your horses. You’re still not done. Stick around and read more about the type of guys you attract so you can finally answer the question, “What type of guy do I like?”

9. Do You Love Makeup? Find Out What Men Think About It

You consider makeup as your best friend. It makes you look prettier, hides imperfections, and improves you appearance, which leads to better self confidence and self-esteem.

Here’s the catch: not all men are fond of the colors on your face, especially if you had too much of it. Some believe that a bit of blush and lipstick is fine, but too much makeup that makes you look like a different person is a big no-no.

makeupHow do you strike a balance? Take it easy on makeup. You don’t need a blush on that will last for two days and a kind of makeup that hides your natural beauty. Instead, go for something as natural as possible. You will definitely get his attention and keep him attracted to you.

In other words, less is good.

10. Play the Smart Card and Get the Answer to Your Question, “What Type of Guy Do I Attract?”

How were your grades back in college? Do you often make it to your class or had no problems reaching for the gold?

If you had a couple of A’s and B’s when you were still in school, then you are in luck. You are way ahead compared to your counterparts because of your brain.

What’s with grades that make you attractive in the eyes of men?

It turns out that your grade point average or GPA is also a strong predictor of income as you get older. In fact, University of Miami researchers found out that one-point increase in GPA can already boost your earnings by 14 percent, which is a good sign. This could also be a good indicator for men because aside from your looks and brain, you are also strong, independent, and someone who can be responsible.

intimidated with womenRemember this: boys will feel insecure and intimidated with women who they think are smarter and more capable than them. On the other hand, real men will be proud of you and won’t feel any insecurity against you.

11. How Willing Are You to Take Risks and Attract Bad Boys?

Are you into extreme sports? What about adrenaline-pumping outdoor activities such as jumping off the cliff or riding a motorbike? Do you enjoy riding a motorcycle and driving it at a fast speed? Whatever it is that you love as long as it involves the possibility of your heart stopping, you will surely attract bad boys.

Why is that so?

Apart from the perennial leather jacket, bad boys are men with charming smile and ready to take you away with this sports car or big motorcycle. He may not be the ideal guy everyone dreams of introducing to the family, but bad boys are someone you need to be with at least once in your life.

He is outgoing, spontaneous, and definitely fun to be with. He is not afraid to show who he is and if you are able to do the same, you will definitely get his attention. No need to answer what type of guy do I attract test to check if a bad guy is worth your time. All you need is to show a bit of spontaneity in your actions and you are good to go.

you attracting the right guyAre you attracting the right guy so far? Stick around since there are few more questions you need to answer to help you find the perfect response on “what type of guy is right for me?”

12. What Is Your Intention after the First Date?

At this point, you know the guy, he asked for your number and you both agreed to go on a proper date, which is a good sign. The next question now is this: what is it that you plan to achieve after the first date?

There are many possibilities to this. You can always opt for date number two so you can get to know each other better and deeper. If the guy agreed, then you are attracting someone who has the potential of becoming your partner.

On the other hand, it’s okay if you are merely after sex. The issue with this is that you might be attracting the wrong kind of guy because of your intentions. If you are continuously dropping hints that you want sex, then you might be attracting a player or someone who is also looking for casual sex.

In case you want sex after, that’s fine. Just don’t forget to take Provestra, a natural female enhancement pill that helps you get your groove back in the bedroom. It is packed with natural ingredients that are known to boost female sex drive naturally.

13. What Do You Plan to Achieve during the Dating Process?

meet someoneAre you looking for casual hookups? Do you want to meet someone who can potentially be your long-term partner? Or are you simply after having fun and meeting new people?

Before anything else, it is important that you establish your dating goals to be able to attract men that you want to attract. For instance, if you simply want to have someone new in your life without necessarily getting into a relationship, then you might attract someone who is funny or men who are after life experiences.

On the other hand, if you want someone who can be your partner for the rest of your life and you are open about it, then there is a higher possibility that you will attract a guy with the same intentions. If you simply want some actions at night, then there are lots of guys out there who are willing to be your recipients.

The bottom line is to establish what you want to be able to attract a guy according to your intentions.

14. Your Family History and How It Affects Your Choice of Men

Nothing lasts forever, so they say. You may not notice it, but your family history including the status of your parents could greatly influence your choice of men.

responsibleFor instance, you grew up without a father. In attracting men, you will most likely go for someone who is more responsible, hardworking, persevering, and a potential family man. If you grew up in a happy, complete family, then there is a higher chance that you will look for a guy who has similar traits with your father.

Nonetheless, be careful on the signals you are giving out to men. If they noticed you being needy, they might back off regardless of how great you are as a person.

15. At the End of the Day, You Attract a Guy Who Shares the Similar Passion and Drive

There is no formula in attracting the perfect guy for you. It all boils down to your personality, the qualities you show to the people and the experiences you had that make you want to put your guard up.

What does this mean?

If you want to be treated like a princess, there will always be gentleman out there who will treat you like one. If you are looking for a father figure, then you might gear towards older, more responsible men. If you are merely after “having fun,” then a guy looking for casual hookups are everywhere.

relationship goalsThe bottom line is the type of man you will attract depends solely on you. This is why it is important to establish your relationship goals to help you attract the right one for you.

Dating can be complicated, especially when it comes to attracting men. In fact, you may have a hard time looking for someone you can easily connect to and click with.

Don’t worry. You may not easily get it the first time, but eventually, you will find someone that will keep you happy once again. Remember these tips and questions, so the next time you ask yours. “What type of guy do I attract,” this post will definitely help.